ICM Agribusiness’ Peechelba Beef is a large custom fed beef feedlot near Wangaratta in North Eastern Victoria, providing specialist feed and management services for a range of clients producing for them: 70 day domestic, mid fed 100-120 day and longer fed 150-500+ day quality grain fed cattle.
Peechelba Beef offers a diverse range of custom feeding services to suit domestic, export and long feed requirements and specialises in Wagyu beef programs. Our feeding programs can be customised to any market specification. Our computerised livestock control system provides instant and accurate information on: entry and exit weights; days on feed; total gain; daily gain for individual animals or groups; and total ration fed.
The manure produced from this feedlot is used widely as a soil conditioner / fertiliser on farms, in gardens and in horticultural crops. The composting process denatures any weed seeds. The composted manure is sold directly from the feedlot and is available as a 10mm screened or unscreened product. This manure is high in organic matter and relatively mild in nutrient content thus having universal application.
Peechelba’s manure is certified NASAA organic.
Our NASAA Certification Registration No. is: 3685M.
Animal welfare is of critical importance to ICM Agribusiness and Peechelba Beef complies with the Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines for Cattle.