ICM Agribusiness’ Riverina Milk is one of the largest dairies in Australia, with its integration of an irrigated fodder production system and a series of state-of-the-art free-stall barns.
Holstein/Friesian dairy cows, sourced for their production, fertility and structural correctness, spend their lactation period in the comfort and shade of the free-stall barns. The dry period is spent in a traditional pasture phase, resting and building reserves for their next lactation.
The quality and quantity of the milk produced by each cow is measured and recorded automatically each milking. Any sudden change to production or quality is identified by the system and she is automatically drafted out for inspection by our experienced staff. This ensures we maintain the highest quality milk and optimum herd health at all times.
Most of the feed for the cows is grown locally, with pasture, hay and silage produced on the property in both irrigated and dry land systems. As part of maintaining an environmentally sustainable farming system, we operate a closed loop on our water use. All the water used to wash out the dairy and free-stall barns is recycled and used to irrigate the pastures and crops. Specific irrigation programmes and drainage and recycle systems ensure that no water can leave the property and enter waterways.
Animal welfare is of critical importance to ICM Agribusiness and Riverina Milk complies with the Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines for Cattle. Riverina Milk also complies with Dairy Australia’s guidance for animal welfare.